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Unit 7 Reflection Assignment

Unit 7 Reflection Assignment

Q Introduction The focus of this course has been introducing you to Park and helping you to hone your critical thinking skills. In this assignment, you get a chance to demonstrate an increased ability to think critically about your work in a problem and solution of interest to you. The purpose of this assignment is for you to work with classmates and apply a problem-solving framework to a problem that your group cares about. Instructions For this assignment, you will be working groups. As group you will determine how you will present your problem and proposed solution. You may choose written report, video, a live presentation (face to face and blended only), or another approved genre approved by the instructor. As a group you will: 1. Identifying a problem your group observes at the University. You may want to reference the discussion responses from Unit 6. 2. Use one of the problem-solving frameworks to define, research, and address the problem with a proposed solution. 3. Connect your solution to two of Park University Liberal Education Competencies. 4. Identify a genre or modality to present your problem and proposed solution. This could be a collaboratively written report, a video, a live presentation, or another genre approved by your instructor. 5. If you use research and sources to support your decisions, please cite those sources as you apply the problem-solving framework. Due Date • Sunday, 11:59 pm, CT Rubric LE100 Unit 7 Solving A Complex Problem Rubric LE100 Unit 7 Solving A Complex Problem Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Habits of Mind: Identifying and Describing Problems Did the group identify a meaningful problem that affects Park University students? 25 to >23.0 pts Outstanding Group has identified a meaningful and current problem that affects Park University students. 23 to >18.0 pts Developing Group has identified a problem that affects Park University students. 18 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Group has not identified a problem, or has identified a problem that does not affect Park University students. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Habits of Mind: Problem Solving Did the group use an appropriate problem solving framework? 25 to >23.0 pts Outstanding Group demonstrated a thorough understanding of the selected problem solving framework. 23 to >18.0 pts Developing Group demonstrated a developing understanding of the selected problem solving framework. 18 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Group has not demonstrated an understanding of the selected problem solving framework. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Habits of Mind: Effective Communication Did the group select an appropriate communication genre to present their findings? 25 to >23.0 pts Outstanding Group selected an appropriate genre, and used that genre highly effectively to communicate their findings to others. 23 to >18.0 pts Developing Group selected an appropriate genre, but the use of that genre could be improved or further developed. 18 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Group has not selected an appropriate genre to communicate findings, or the group's use of the genre needs serious improvement in order to be effective. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHigher Education Culture Did the group connect their problem to Park University's LE competencies? 25 to >23.0 pts Outstanding Group clearly and persuasively explains how their problem connects to Park University's LE competencies. 23 to >18.0 pts Developing Group explains how their problem connects to Park University's LE competencies, but that explanation could be further developed. 18 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Group has not explained how their problem connects to Park University's LE competencies. 25 pts Total Points: 100 PreviousNext

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1. What’s my present situation? o Identify the problem or difficulty: The problem is I need to pay my tuition by 1/13/2020. o Determine “What exists?” (not “Whose fault is it?”): It’s already mid-December, my last check for the month is coming in a few days, but I must buy Christmas presents for my children. 2. How would I like my situation to be? o Specify your goal (desired outcome): My goal is to figure out how to pay my tuition and still maintain day to day life financially.